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Piano Teachers in Maryland, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Maryland, US that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Emmie King main photo
$50 Per Hour

Emmie King

Private piano lessons for children and adults. Beginner to early advanced. Weekday, weeknight, and weekend lessons available. The E.C. King Piano Studio teaches children and adults from the beginner to the early advanced stage. The Studio is located at my home in Laurel, Maryland. I continually assess student goals and strengths to personalize their lessons. Each weekly lesson is a one-on-one private lesson.

Derrick Hewlett main photo
Per Hour

Derrick Hewlett

Hewlett's Music Studio is based in Baltimore Maryland - a city with a rich cultural heritage that has both hosted and been the birthplace of many notable musicians and musical acts. This makes Baltimore the perfect backdrop for creative endeavors and musical excellence! Each of us is born with talent, it just takes experienced hands to help Cultivate, Nurture, and Awaken that talent that is within. Mr. Hewlett brings years of excellence in music and teaching to each student that visits his studio, and under his guidance you can be sure that your time and money will be very well spent.

Beatrice Studio main photo
Per Hour

Beatrice Studio

An experienced music teacher and teaching piano lessons and music theory for all level children to adult. The music Studio is a positive learning place and enthusiastic atmosphere, piano lessons on a 5'10" grand piano. Beatrice emphasizes proper technique and music theory for all of her students, her ultimate goal is to create well-rounded musicians. Students can opt to take piano examination and music theory examination.

Beatrice is a music teacher with 20 years of teaching piano lessons and music theory for all ages. She emphasizes proper technique and music theory for all of her students. When students become more advance, she will then incorporate more piano literature and music history. She believe that the foundation of study music must be have solid technique, and a strong knowledge of music theory will help students become better sight-readers.

Beatrice is an active member of music teacher's associations:
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
Maryland Music Teachers Association (MMTA)
Anna Arundel Music Teachers Association (AAMTA)

Piano Lessons in your city/town:

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Find Piano Teachers in Maryland, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons by group setting:

Sometimes a student feels more comfortable learning piano in a group settings, it allows the student to socialize with other students and thus keep all the homework done. If a student needs more attention and focus from a teacher, then individual piano lessons would fit better for this case. Please select the appropriate option below and navigate further to find a better piano teacher for you:

Find Piano Teachers in Maryland, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons by language they speak:

In case you have specific requirements for Classical Piano Lessons you want, and near you in Maryland, US, and also want to have lessons in your native language, We have created a selection of piano teachers that meet your criteria. Please click on a teacher you like, and contact that teacher directly to have some questions answered or to book your first appointment.