Book C of the Fabers’ young beginner method continues the staff-reading adventure with the introduction of skips (3rds). Students first explore skips aurally and kinesthetically across the full range of the keyboard. A delightful variety of songs follow which carefully and comfortably guide the child toward line-line and space-space staff recognition.
ISBN-13: 9781616776237
Product Details:
Item Weight: 0.249 kg
Dimensions: 22.9 x 30.5 x 0.6 cm
4 Reviews
Both our daughters have been learning this series of piano books, which I like quite a bit. They consist of compact pieces each focuses on a specific technic with high level of musicianship all around. The delivery was flawless, so I recommend both the book and the seller (-;
This is our second year using these books and I’ve been blown away by how quickly my son has picked up playing - technique, theory reading music - all of it. Highly recommended!
Super Mom
This is very useful for teaching 5/6 year olds
This book was recommended by my daughter's piano teacher. It's a good book