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Keyboard Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons within Dallas, TX

Current page contains information about piano teachers from Dallas, TX who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons. If you also speak language and you feel more comfortable having piano lessons in it, then use the list of piano teachers below. You can click on selected piano teacher to view details about the teacher such as full description of their profile, video presentation or read list of reviews to make sure you get the right piano teacher to learn piano from.

Shirley Friar main photo
featured verified
$45 Per Hour

Shirley Friar

Shirley Friar, MT-BC, CPE Chaplain
Degrees: BME, MM, MEd.

Experience in various educational, mental health, and spiritual environments with focus on musicianship skills and aptitude identification strengths and challenges through creative systematic study of the piano keyboard lessons, with vocal concepts presented. Board-Certified Clinician through the Certification Board of Music Therapists, Inc.

"One should learn to discern a book, but not necessarily by its COVER!" Proverbs 19: 20, 21; Proverbs 16:3; Proverbs 4:7, Jeremiah 29:11.
The above phrase is based on an on-going research-based interdisciplinary approach to educational models and concepts for learning utilizing music therapy as a base-line for discovery and self-actualization. All Ages! Area of geriatrics and mental challenges welcomed!

Be Careful Potential Students - You Must Give Me The Correct and Accurate Information for Location of Piano Keyboard Lessons! Currently I am an itinerant piano keyboard teacher and will meet you at your home, or make arrangements with you otherwise. You must contact me either by phone or email, please.