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In-Person Piano Lessons in Ontario, CA

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Ontario, CA that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Michael main photo
$72 Per Hour


An active member of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association (ORMTA) Kingston Branch and National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Michael Faulkner holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from Queen’s University, Kingston and is also a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music A.R.C.T. (Piano Performer and Teacher, Vocal Performer and Teacher). Michael is also a member of the Canadian Music Festivals Adjudicators Association (CMFAA) and has adjudicated numerous music festivals, competitions as well as giving Masterclasses and performances within these communities across Canada.

Known for his musical insight, beautiful tone and technical command, Michael began his music studies at age four, participating in numerous music festivals and competitions receiving many top awards and distinctions.
Michael enjoys a rewarding career as teacher of more than 60 weekly students of all ages and levels in piano, voice, pedagogy and theory. He teaches in person and online to students from across the country. His YouTube educational music channel is used by music students worldwide. Many of his students have received top honours, distinctions and awards throughout Canada and a large number have pursued careers in music as well. He also actively performs in his own community and across Canada and is well versed in Opera, Oratorio and Music Theatre repertoire.

As an accompanist Michael is in high demand working with singers and instrumentalists of all ages and abilities from beginner to professional level. Michael has also enjoyed working for a number of years with Conservatory Canada as an examiner in piano and voice. He is a member teacher with Music for Young Children (MYC) and believes the start of music education at an early age is very important. For more than 35 years Michael has worked as a Church musician and frequently is asked to provide musical service and guidance to many Worship denominations. Michael’s community choir in the Quinte region “Let’s Make a Choir” and already has more than 50 voices singing for various charities and he has now started the “Let’s Make a Choir Childrens’ Choir” which is a joy to hear the young voices in song together. Michael believes that music is a lifelong passion and is always looking for new musical challenges and enrichment. Michael is an avid animal lover and enjoys skiing, hiking, attending music concerts and theatre.

Julia Dai main photo
$60 Per Hour

Julia Dai

Professional Pianist with 10 years+ of experience and an orchestra background. Doctorate (D.M.A) from Rutgers University, USA. Methods taught, such as RCM and Yamaha. I am classically trained and started my music journey with the piano and flute at the age of 5. I started playing bassoon when I was 11 years old. Between grades 3 and 12, I studied in a music-gifted program. I have attended the following schools earning the following degrees:

• Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts, New Jersey (Doctor of Musical Arts)
• Mannes School of Music, The New School, New York (Master of Music)
• University of Taipei, Taiwan (Bachelor of Music).

In class, I follow RCM and Yamaha methods and textbooks. I teach piano and music theory in a couple of music schools in Toronto. I encourage students' musical, social, personal, and emotional development by creating dynamic, well-thought-out lesson plans that empower and engage them. I will assist you with preparing for any future music theory test or simply learning music for enjoyment.

I am a self-motivated, creative individual who champions diversity, equality, and inclusion in music education, as well as developing and promoting novel teaching ways to overcome learning hurdles. I am a multilingual communicator (Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese) who develops great bonds with kids and their parents/guardians from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.