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Piano Teachers in Toronto, ON who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Toronto, ON that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Julia Dai main photo
$60 Per Hour

Julia Dai

Professional Pianist with 10 years+ of experience and an orchestra background. Doctorate (D.M.A) from Rutgers University, USA. Methods taught, such as RCM and Yamaha. I am classically trained and started my music journey with the piano and flute at the age of 5. I started playing bassoon when I was 11 years old. Between grades 3 and 12, I studied in a music-gifted program. I have attended the following schools earning the following degrees:

• Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts, New Jersey (Doctor of Musical Arts)
• Mannes School of Music, The New School, New York (Master of Music)
• University of Taipei, Taiwan (Bachelor of Music).

In class, I follow RCM and Yamaha methods and textbooks. I teach piano and music theory in a couple of music schools in Toronto. I encourage students' musical, social, personal, and emotional development by creating dynamic, well-thought-out lesson plans that empower and engage them. I will assist you with preparing for any future music theory test or simply learning music for enjoyment.

I am a self-motivated, creative individual who champions diversity, equality, and inclusion in music education, as well as developing and promoting novel teaching ways to overcome learning hurdles. I am a multilingual communicator (Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese) who develops great bonds with kids and their parents/guardians from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Find Piano Teachers in Toronto, ON who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons by group setting:

Sometimes a student feels more comfortable learning piano in a group settings, it allows the student to socialize with other students and thus keep all the homework done. If a student needs more attention and focus from a teacher, then individual piano lessons would fit better for this case. Please select the appropriate option below and navigate further to find a better piano teacher for you:

Find Piano Teachers in Toronto, ON who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons by language they speak:

In case you have specific requirements for Keyboard Piano Lessons you want, and near you in Toronto, ON, and also want to have lessons in your native language, We have created a selection of piano teachers that meet your criteria. Please click on a teacher you like, and contact that teacher directly to have some questions answered or to book your first appointment.