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Classical Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons within Glen Ellyn, IL

Current page contains information about piano teachers from Glen Ellyn, IL who teach Classical Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons. If you also speak language and you feel more comfortable having piano lessons in it, then use the list of piano teachers below. You can click on selected piano teacher to view details about the teacher such as full description of their profile, video presentation or read list of reviews to make sure you get the right piano teacher to learn piano from.

Amber Kay main photo
$40 Per Hour

Amber Kay

Amber Kay has been performing music since she was a young child and began taking lessons at about 4 years old. She found her forte in playing guitar, but still plays piano at home in her spare time.
She offers private music lessons in guitar, mandolin, piano, ukulele, and voice to students of all ages hoping to give others the opportunity to express themselves through music and have a creative outlet.