Classical Piano Lessons in Other within London, ON
Current page contains information about piano teachers from London, ON who teach Classical Piano Lessons in Other. If you also speak language and you feel more comfortable having piano lessons in it, then use the list of piano teachers below. You can click on selected piano teacher to view details about the teacher such as full description of their profile, video presentation or read list of reviews to make sure you get the right piano teacher to learn piano from.

Jill Broughton
for an RCM exam. Ages 4 to Senior! Jill offers a free trial lesson so you can meet her and see the studio. Proven piano methods are used, and supplemental songs (Church/country/pop/Christmas, etc) are offered according to the student's interests.
Daytime, afternoon and evening lessons available. Lessons are taught in Jill's home studio, in the Hespeler area of Cambridge. If there are 3 or more students from the same family there is an option to teach at a student's location (travel time is added to the tuition fee).
$19 per half hour lesson per student. Discount for a one hour lesson, or 2 or more students from the same family.