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Classical Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons within North Carolina, US

Current page contains information about piano teachers from North Carolina, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons in Private Piano Lessons. If you also speak language and you feel more comfortable having piano lessons in it, then use the list of piano teachers below. You can click on selected piano teacher to view details about the teacher such as full description of their profile, video presentation or read list of reviews to make sure you get the right piano teacher to learn piano from.

Charlene Ewert main photo
Per Hour

Charlene Ewert

With 37 years of teaching experience, Charlene Ewert has an insight to helping children grow in loving to play music. She has consistently prepared students for many types of competitions such as Guild, sonata contests, music festivals, and school events. Her teaching experience has included teaching 3 year old students through adults. Charlene holds a Bachelor's in Music Education and a Master's in Music Education as well as further work on the graduate level.

Charlene is always researching to find new and fresh ideas to inspire and motivate students to love, enjoy, and excel at music. She finds great fulfillment to see her students discover that they are able to accomplish something that seemed difficult.

With classical music being the foundation for her teaching, she also uses a variety of styles of music in her teaching including: sacred, fun, and just about any that a student wishes to learn.

Charlene has taught in several states including: Texas, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina. It has been an adventure for her to get to know and enjoy the culture in these many locations.

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