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Private Piano Lessons in Merrick, NY

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Merrick, NY that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

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Eunhyang Choi

“Francesca Euhyang Choi will make you fall in love with classical music”, By bringing personal performances or video projections, Pianist Eunhyang Choi breaks the barriers and invites her audiences on an emotional journey.
Korean Pianist, Eunhyang Choi is a dynamic musician based in New York City. In addition to pursuing a career as a freelance musician in New York, Ms.Choi frequently Performed in the highest classical music Concert hall In South Korea, Europe, and Canada.

Ms.Choi’s accolades include concerts at world-renowned concert halls and festivals with a distinguished reputation such as Carnegie Hall (NYC, US), Merkin Concert Hall (NYC, US), The HermitageTheatre(St-Petersburg, Russia) St-Petersburg State Capella Concert hall, Rimsky-Korsakov Museum(St-Petersburg, Russia), Solitar at Mozarteum(Salzburg, Austria), SCC Concert hall, Lyum Art hall(Seoul, South Korea), Suseong Artpia, and Demage Concert hall(Daegu, South Korea)
In addition to the Platinum medal at the 2022 Canadian International Competition, Eunhyang Choi, who is receiving attention in the domestic and international music world by winning gold medals in Euro Elite, Grand Maestro, Global International, Grand Maestro, Quebec, and NAVI international competitions, debuted in Salzburg with 1st place in Austrian Grand Prize Virtuoso, debuted at Carnegie Hall with 1st prize in the Golden Music Awards international competition. She also took third place in London, Moscow, Carles, and Sophia in Spain, and Music and awards in Spain.2021-2022 Rapidly winning more than 20 competitions in just one year
Eunhyang will pursue her career in not only New York as Pianist, But also in Korea, Europe, and Canada and will continue to participate in Prestigious International Competition for the next season as a Concert pianist.
Ms. Choi, who was selected as T&B Entertainment's international artist, is scheduled to perform and record in Korea, the United States, and Europe, as well as appear on TV and radio.

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