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Piano Teachers in Michigan, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Michigan, US that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

patty sopita main photo
$50 Per Hour

patty sopita

Music Lessons from professional music instructors.
"Start Your Music Training on the Right Note"
Maestro Music Academy offers private music lessons to all ages and levels. ;
Piano , Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Mandolin, Saxophone, Clarinet, Voice/Vocal, Violin, Music Theory.
Maestro also offers special rates for 20 minute private music lessons to students
age 4 and younger (Music Explorer). Our private lesson for children age 4 and younger will give
them an opportunity to express and explore music.

Sylvia Casterton main photo
$40 Per Hour

Sylvia Casterton

I graduated from Roosevelt High School 1974, Southeastern University, Lakeland Florida 1978
B.A in Music Education K-12, Vocal and Instrumental and a JX endorsement .

I own Sylvia' s Music Studio, a home based business where I teach piano, voice, violin and music theory.
I also am a teacher at Cameron's Music in

Previous teacher at
La Prima Music, Southgate
Town and Country Music, Lincoln Park
Wurlizter Music( now Southland Music)16 years.

Member of-

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church,, Dearborn Heights, Michigan, where
I am under the direction of Maestro Goslin and am a member of the choir, soloist, and play or sing in duets, trios vocal and instrumental.
I perform with GIPC and Parker Chorale,
under the direction of Dr. James Parker during the Lenten season.

Former member of-

Vocal Arts Ensemble of Michigan 14 years, under the direction of the late Sir Charles Whitmore.
Seaway Chorale 22 years
St Thomas Lutheran Church, choir accompanist 2000-2005 .
Silver Strings Dulcimer Society
perform occasionally

Other interests


Chamber MusicRenaissance
Chopin, Debussy, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tallis, Gibbons, Faure, Shaw
Du Prez

Previous experience President Women's Ministries 5 years

Over 35 years experience working with children

Enjoy walking and gardening reading.

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Find Piano Teachers in Michigan, US who teach Classical Piano Lessons by group setting:

Sometimes a student feels more comfortable learning piano in a group settings, it allows the student to socialize with other students and thus keep all the homework done. If a student needs more attention and focus from a teacher, then individual piano lessons would fit better for this case. Please select the appropriate option below and navigate further to find a better piano teacher for you: