Private Piano Teachers in North Carolina, United States
On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in North Carolina, United States that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Regina Ziliani
Our highest priority at Charlotte Academy of Music (CAM) is equipping our students, through the beautiful vehicle of music, to have happy, fulfilling lives. We value and support our students. In our community of families, staff, and teachers we uplift one another and celebrate each other’s achievements. We believe to fully equip our students for success, we must provide an inspiring environment, proven teaching methods, outstanding facilities, exceptional teachers, a supportive staff, and a high level of communication. Through our educational opportunities, assessments, and performances we challenge and inspire our students towards greater confidence and musical excellence.
CAM is very proud to be the only area school to have been named Founding School for the Royal Conservatory of Music. We invite you to come in an learn about our excellent faculty of experienced, nurturing teachers, as well as our multitude of performance and assessment opportunities made available to all interested students.

Ludovica Tassani
Born in Rimini, Italy, Ludovica Tassani began studying piano at the age of four with her mother and taking formal piano lessons when she was six. At age ten she was admitted at the “Gioacchino Rossini” Conservatory in Pesaro where she studied with Maestro Annibale Rebaudengo and Marco Cola and she got the Piano degree after 10 rigorous years of Piano instruction. After having received the Piano degree, at the same Conservatory, she began to study harpsichord with Mrs. Maria Letizia Pascoli. There she obtained her second degree in harpsichord. Mrs. Tassani also attended the piano courses at the Music Academy “Incontri col Maestro” in Imola, Italy, studying with Maestro Franco Scala, Piero Rattalino and Piernarciso Masi. She attended masterclasses of “Clavicordo, Clavicembalo, Fortepiano e Basso Continuo” with the famous harpsichord player/teacher Mrs. Emilia Fadini in Milan.
Ludovica Tassani held recitals as a pianist and harpsichord player around Italy and Europe, she played with several Baroque Orchestras and played in duo with Maestro Dante Milozzi, Rino Vernizzi, Claudio Casadei, Emmanuele Baldini and in many Chamber orchestras. Additionally, she has made several recordings with various Baroque groups. From 1989 to 2007 she has been Organist and Music Director of the “Santa Rita” Church in her hometown, Rimini.
After having earned her first music degree she began to teach Piano and general Music. Mrs. Tassani has almost 30 years of experience teaching hundreds of students of all ages who got accepted into the best Conservatories of Music in Italy and Music schools in USA.
Ludovica Tassani also has a Doctorate degree in Political Science from University of Urbino, Italy.

Charlene Ewert
With 37 years of teaching experience, Charlene Ewert has an insight to helping children grow in loving to play music. She has consistently prepared students for many types of competitions such as Guild, sonata contests, music festivals, and school events. Her teaching experience has included teaching 3 year old students through adults. Charlene holds a Bachelor's in Music Education and a Master's in Music Education as well as further work on the graduate level.
Charlene is always researching to find new and fresh ideas to inspire and motivate students to love, enjoy, and excel at music. She finds great fulfillment to see her students discover that they are able to accomplish something that seemed difficult.
With classical music being the foundation for her teaching, she also uses a variety of styles of music in her teaching including: sacred, fun, and just about any that a student wishes to learn.
Charlene has taught in several states including: Texas, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina. It has been an adventure for her to get to know and enjoy the culture in these many locations.