On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in Rio Grande City, Texas that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.
I have been teaching piano and violin lessons for over ten years. I have a BA in Music from the University of Texas Pan American (now UT-Rio Grande Valley) with a concentration on violin and honors studies. I have studied piano, violin, viola, and voice. I have experience as an orchestral and chamber musician, accompanist, jazz and opera singer, mariachi, composer, arranger, songwriter, and performer. My band Corine Garcia and the Meow Meow Meows can be heard on Spotify and iTunes. I taught mariachi and orchestra in the public schools for eight years before becoming a full time independent music teacher. I am a member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas, Music Teachers National Association, Texas Music Teachers Association, and Magic Valley Music Teachers Association.
Find Piano classes by type of piano lessons they teach:
In case you are looking for a specific type of piano lessons, we suggest you to select lesson type below and you will be navigated to a web page with a list of piano teachers that teach this type of piano lessons in Rio Grande City, Texas. Wish you a good luck finding a right piano teacher on our website, and start your type of piano lessons as soon as possible. You are on a right track to learn how to play piano or to improve your piano playing skills!
Some people feel more comfortable learning piano on one-on-one setting with a teacher. Others prefer group piano lessons, as it keeps everyone engaged and more social. You can choose any of these options below to further navigate and find your ideal teacher and inquiry the selected teacher about their availability for your lessons
In case you are looking for piano lessons in your native language, we suggest you to select your language below and you will be navigated to a web page with a list of piano teachers that speak this language in Rio Grande City, Texas. Wish you a good luck finding a right piano teacher on our website, and start piano lessons as soon as possible. You are on a right track to learn how to play piano or to improve your piano playing skills!