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Piano Teachers in British Columbia, CA who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in British Columbia, CA that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Linda MacCormack main photo
$20 Per Hour

Linda MacCormack

Linda's parents were well-established music teachers in Calgary, so she grew up with and has experience with a real variety of teaching techniques for piano, accordion, organ and synth. She has an inherent ability to communicate her knowledge to students of all ages. Linda taught at various commercial studios as well as privately in Calgary and Kelowna. She offers expertise, patience, and the joy of playing music with confidence & creativity.

Teacher expertise:

Offers unique, versatile approach to teach all music styles, incl. classical, Rock &
Roll, jazz & blues, country, according to student's preferences

Has taught most of the avail. popular courses such as Technics, Yamaha, Kawai, Popular Keyboard, Roland, Palmer Hughes, Bastien, Alfred's, Faber and Faber and more.

Sensitive to learning curves she teaches the way the student learns

Donna Huang main photo
$55 Per Hour

Donna Huang

Miss Donna Huang is a dynamic, dedicated, and creative piano teacher whose passion lies in teaching and empowering children. She values children's amazing gifts and hopes to inspire and empower her students to do their best and to be themselves. While imparting musical knowledge and skills to her students is essential, building positive relationships with her students is integral to their well-being and self-confidence - so that they know and feel that she believes in them always!

She has over 18 years of piano teaching experience and have worked with children for more than 23 years. She believes the first piano learning experience is the most special and unique moment in a child's life. She knows how important it is to provide a positive, fun, and encouraging learning environment so that children's natural curiosity, use of imagination, self-expression, and creativity can be explored and nurtured.

Besides her love for teaching, Miss Donna loves to mentor piano teachers, build businesses, and be inspired by other teachers and colleagues. Her experience extends beyond teaching piano...more here: http://www.happykeysmusic.ca/more-about-miss-donna.html

Lora Wentworth main photo
$31 Per Hour

Lora Wentworth

For nearly 3 decades, Lora Wentworth has taught piano lessons (ages 4 and up) and saxophone lessons in Kelowna (and beyond). Students return every year for lessons because she cares and encourages her students of all ages and abilities. Lora has been told many times that she is so much more than a Music Teacher. She is a friend and mentor, helping students feel safe and nurtured.
The Upbeat Music Academy is located in Glenmore seconds away from Watson Rd Elementary School and a quick drive from Glenmore’s Save On foods, IGA, Tim Hortons, McDonalds, Dairy Queen and Subway. The Upbeat Music Academy is also close to amenities like Petro Canada Gas station, Shoppers Drug Mart and other shopping before and after your lessons or while you wait for the student.
Proudly Serving: Kelowna, West Kelowna, Lake Country, Rutland, Wilden, Kettle Valley. We’re also very excited to teach many students from around the World online!
Upbeat Music Academy Kelowna
455 Glen Pine Ct
Kelowna, BC
V1V 1R3

Philip Hong main photo
Per Hour

Philip Hong

I am a piano teacher in Vancouver with over 15 years of teaching experience to students of all ages and levels. In addition, I am a registered piano teacher with the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM), with an ARCT Piano Performance Diploma.
My lessons are tailored to each student’s specific goals, such as completing the RCM Practical Piano program and learning classical or pop music for fun. I am professional and patient, with a genuine passion for teaching and music.
I offer a free 30-minute trial lesson to anyone who is interested, so that prospective students can make an informed decision before hiring me.

Below, you will find a piano performance video by one of my students, Alberto.


Piano Lessons in your city/town:

Narrow down your teacher search by selecting a specific city or town where you want to find your teacher. Please select the city/town and then click on it to navigate to the page dedicated to piano teachers in the specific area only.

Find Piano Teachers in British Columbia, CA who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons by group setting:

Sometimes a student feels more comfortable learning piano in a group settings, it allows the student to socialize with other students and thus keep all the homework done. If a student needs more attention and focus from a teacher, then individual piano lessons would fit better for this case. Please select the appropriate option below and navigate further to find a better piano teacher for you:

Find Piano Teachers in British Columbia, CA who teach Keyboard Piano Lessons by language they speak:

In case you have specific requirements for Keyboard Piano Lessons you want, and near you in British Columbia, CA, and also want to have lessons in your native language, We have created a selection of piano teachers that meet your criteria. Please click on a teacher you like, and contact that teacher directly to have some questions answered or to book your first appointment.