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Piano Teachers who teach Sight-Reading Piano Lessons in Teacher Decides

Current page contains information about piano teachers who teach Sight-Reading Piano Lessons in Teacher Decides. If you prefer to have Teacher Decides, then use the list of piano teachers below. You can click on selected piano teacher to view details about the teacher such as full description of their profile, video presentation or read list of reviews to make sure you get the right piano teacher to learn piano from.

Svetlana Logigan main photo
$70 Per Hour

Svetlana Logigan

An accomplished pianist, piano teacher, accompanist, artist of chamber ensemble of Russian origin.
More than 20 years of experience as music teacher, piano accompanist, soloist.
Excellent sight reading, including partitur, transpose, play by hear, have a lot of experience working as accompanist (with vocalist, ensemble, choir) and as a music teacher at a professional level.

Amy Kendall main photo
Per Hour

Amy Kendall

With my piano students, I want them to be fluent music readers. Each student has specific tastes, so I supplement all my piano students lessons with music choices that appeal to them. I try to balance “work” and “fun” as far as learning the elements of music goes, so that they enjoy the process and the results.

Cathy Laizure main photo
Per Hour

Cathy Laizure

This is the place for you if you are serious about learning how to play piano or sing, or do both simultaneously. Mrs. Cathy Laizure has 28 years experience teaching/performing classical, jazz, sacred and pop piano/vocal music. Learn how to read music, chord charts, lead sheets and improvise. Want to write your own music? Learn how to create, structure and print your own originals. Interested in playing and singing? I can show you how! Interested in entering the worship scene? I have 20+ years experience as a choir/worship leader in churches all over the country. If you are willing to practice consistently on a quality instrument, I want to talk to you. Are you an aspiring vocalist preparing to compete or audition? I can help you prepare and accompany through advanced levels.
This isn’t quite what you had in mind? Want to learn for fun? Just trying it out? Want to learn guitar or ukulele? We have a network of teachers who can help you.
Mrs. Cathy Laizure’s philosophy: “I want to provide quality music education with proper technique. But, more importantly, I desire to build relationships with my students and help them succeed in music and life. At the same time, I want to have fun and offer a casual, relaxed environment where students can ask questions, make mistakes and learn from them all... And, lastly, make music an integral part of a lifetime.”
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