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Private Piano Teachers in California, United States

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in California, United States that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Carl Darby main photo
$80 Per Hour

Carl Darby

Amazing gift, 🎼! I teach keyboard, brass, vocal, theory, etc. I’m based at my home studio near Santiago Canyon College. Obviously personality and fit is essential...so that one day I might be invited to graduation and may be play at student’s wedding.
Currently, students between 5-63 yrs but I have had an 83 yr old! I’m working mostly in person, but some remain online. I also travel to a few. Most are piano, but brass and vocal too.
Passions - music, soccer, Cad. milk choc., travel, culture, Faith, learning, & family (first!)🤣.
Holistic approach, enabling a musician rather than a pianist/trumpeter, channeled in a fun and exciting way.
Royal Schools of Music & London University music background as well as conducting brass/choral groups and playing/teaching at advanced level. Love those that start from scratch! This is more than a business-a mission and vision to see students be the best they can be in life and music.
My rates are $40/30 mins. but most studios are $35-55 and you could probably find a current music student for $32. Experience of directing camps across the US and wider. Care for the individual. Two low key recitals per year. As much fun in learning as possible.
Thanks for your time. Let's chat.
(I am treble vaccinated, wear a mask, and do all I can to ensure healthy learning conditions.)

Dr. Presti main photo
Per Hour

Dr. Presti

I believe that music has the power to move people in fundamental, inexplicable ways. I believe that we are all musical souls with our original ideas. I believe in the creativity and musical honesty of our children, and that a good teacher can energize and give voice to that creativity.

The love of music is innate, but fostering that love through lessons leads to the development of the student's own voice, confidence, and commitment. I find that frequent performance opportunities and recitals encourage children's performance abilities and self-esteem, building a sense of community among the students. I encourage young musicians to choose and play pieces of music that speak to their souls, with my task being to help them get ahead in any type of music they choose. Experience has shown me that theory, composition, and musical arrangement are vital to becoming a well-rounded musician, and a strong technical foundation is necessary in order to express one's artistry.

I serve on the faculty of the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music and hold Masters and Doctorate degrees from the USC Thornton School of Music, where I studied piano performance, collaboration, and pedagogy on scholarship. My undergraduate degree is from the San Francisco Conservatory and I attended the highly competitive Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and the Colburn School.

I have been teaching piano for 25 years, having served on the faculties of the Munich International School, the San Domenico School, the Lark Musical Society, the Pasadena Conservatory of Music, and the Artetonal Schule für Musik. I see that students do well in a supportive, encouraging, motivating environment. This environment has helped my students win competitions including the PTA Reflections Music Composition Competition and the Armenian Allied Arts Songwriting/Composition Competition. As a pianist I have won prestigious competitions, including the US Open Music Competition, the Leni FéBland Foundation Competition, the Armenian Allied Arts Competition, and the MTAC VOCE Competition. I have played with or for artists including Midori, Felicia Weathers, Eleanor Schönfeld, Alice Schönfeld, Ron Leonard, and Martin Chalifour. My teachers include Kevin Fitz-Gerald, Stewart Gordon, Antoinette Perry, James Bonn, Laurette Goldberg and Lucinda Carver (harpischord), Mack McCray, Polli Chambers-Salazar, Caroline Oltmanns, Timothy Ehlen, and Natalie Dalschaert.

In teaching, I put great emphasis upon public performances, organizing several large recitals per year, and I keep my prices comparably low because I am trying to recruit students who are dedicated and hard workers, though not necessarily born into great privilege. In protecting my students' privacy, you will not see pictures of them on my website or on my social media pages. But I am extremely proud of my current and former students, whose years of study have helped prepare them for institutions including Yale, Brown, Berkeley, Juilliard, Duke, Northwestern, USC, UCLA, UCSD, Polytechnic Academy, CAMS, and Eton.

My publications include My First Armenian Songbook and Asdghig Wants to Grow Up Quickly, which won the most prestigious prize for Western Armenian literature, the Tölölyan Prize (2021). I work as a collaborator with instrumentalists and singers. I teach languages to opera singers and also offer piano lessons in multiple languages: German, Italian, Armenian, Spanish, and English (native speaker).

Lessons vary between 45 and 90 minutes in length, depending on level. I help prepare students for the Royal Conservatory of Music and am recommended by RCM as a teacher whose students have consistently perform at high levels.

I believe that music is a source of light in the world. Teaching children to understand the language of music will enrich their lives with a deeper understanding of culture, art, and aesthetics, and will illuminate the future for all of us. I teach in person and virtually and may be contacted below for piano lessons below. My current waitlist for lesson during school hours is three years' long, but I have room for adults and homeschooled children available during school hours.

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In case you are looking for online piano lessons or in-person piano lessons, we have prepared you groups of piano tutors that provide classes in each lesson format

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Some people feel more comfortable learning piano on one-on-one setting with a teacher. Others prefer group piano lessons, as it keeps everyone engaged and more social. You can choose any of these options below to further navigate and find your ideal teacher and inquiry the selected teacher about their availability for your lessons

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In case you are looking for piano lessons in your native language, we suggest you to select your language below and you will be navigated to a web page with a list of piano teachers that speak this language in California, United States. Wish you a good luck finding a right piano teacher on our website, and start piano lessons as soon as possible. You are on a right track to learn how to play piano or to improve your piano playing skills!