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Private Piano Teachers in United States

On this page we have prepared you a list of piano teachers in United States that accept new piano students. Please choose one that you like and click on a selected piano teacher to see more details about it, and on that page if you have any question, you can always contact that teacher directly with the help of a contact form on the public piano teacher profile page, once you do that, please give 1 day for a teacher to reply to your message.

Beatrice Studio main photo
$70 Per Hour

Beatrice Studio

An experienced music teacher and teaching piano lessons and music theory for all level children to adult. The music Studio is a positive learning place and enthusiastic atmosphere, piano lessons on a 5'10" grand piano. Beatrice emphasizes proper technique and music theory for all of her students, her ultimate goal is to create well-rounded musicians. Students can opt to take piano examination and music theory examination.
Beatrice is a music teacher with 20 years of teaching piano lessons and music theory for all ages. She emphasizes proper technique and music theory for all of her students. When students become more advance, she will then incorporate more piano literature and music history. She believe that the foundation of study music must be have solid technique, and a strong knowledge of music theory will help students become better sight-readers.
Beatrice is an active member of music teacher's associations:
RCM Certificated Music Teacher
Director at Anne Arundel Music Teachers Association (AAMTA)
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
Maryland Music Teachers Association (MMTA)
Trinity piano teacher

MaryAlice Senecal main photo
$50 Per Hour

MaryAlice Senecal

Applause Piano Studio offer both a Preparatory Piano Program (PrePiano) for ages 4, 5, and 6+ who are not ready for a formal private lesson. Private lessons are offered for ages 7-85 and include 30, 45, or 60 minute private lessons with a teacher who holds 3 degrees in Music and has been teaching for over 40 years and loving EVERY MOMENT!
In the PrePiano program, children learn the foundations of music, geared to the piano, through games, movement, singing, dancing and many fun activities. The small group setting fosters a love of learning, community and MUSIC!
Private lessons include theory, sight reading, performance skills, games and "off the bench" activities.
I am an engaging, fun teacher , who is passionate about helping others to enjoy and become proficient at the art if playing the piano. Whether you are a serious student or just want to learn for fun, you have contacted the right and perfect teacher! Please feel free to peruse my website at www.applausepianostudio.com. I am happy to answer any questions you may have and under no obligation. Please feel free to contact me via phone or email at maryalice@applausepianostudio.com.
I look forward to helping you master the piano! Have a musical day! MaryAlice.

Find Private Piano Teachers in your state:

We have many teachers in all states across United States. Please select the state where you want to find a teacher and click on the link to navigate to the page dedicated to piano teachers in the specific state only.

Find Piano classes by type of piano lessons they teach:

In case you are looking for a specific type of piano lessons, we suggest you to select lesson type below and you will be navigated to a web page with a list of piano teachers that teach this type of piano lessons in United States. Wish you a good luck finding a right piano teacher on our website, and start your type of piano lessons as soon as possible. You are on a right track to learn how to play piano or to improve your piano playing skills!

Find Piano Teachers by piano lessons format they teach:

In case you are looking for online piano lessons or in-person piano lessons, we have prepared you groups of piano tutors that provide classes in each lesson format

Find Piano Classes by group setting:

Some people feel more comfortable learning piano on one-on-one setting with a teacher. Others prefer group piano lessons, as it keeps everyone engaged and more social. You can choose any of these options below to further navigate and find your ideal teacher and inquiry the selected teacher about their availability for your lessons

Find Piano Lessons by language they speak:

In case you are looking for piano lessons in your native language, we suggest you to select your language below and you will be navigated to a web page with a list of piano teachers that speak this language in United States. Wish you a good luck finding a right piano teacher on our website, and start piano lessons as soon as possible. You are on a right track to learn how to play piano or to improve your piano playing skills!